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Need To Write Better Titles

Im writing this wondering why the fuck i'm writing this lol. I journal everyday, I write my task in my (things 3 app) everyday, I'm writing a lot. Honestly, researching how to blow up a youtube channel sent me into a rabbit hole about productivity. These creators were all educated. They raise the bar when it comes to making content. Ali Abdaal, Thomas Frank and others. They all have a newsletter, basically a email list where they send a value packed email daily. How? no idea, but they all write. My 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Pal in Sea Castle Elementary, once told me I was a good storyteller 🤣. Really, telling a story is remembering a memory with your perspective. Is your perspective dull? how do you look at the world? I live my life like a movie, even things outside of my control, how I view things with a positive outlook. I always wanted a dramatic, intense, exciting reality. How can someone change their outlook on life that fast though? I don't think that's possible, but it can be practiced. BOOM! writing can help lol Journal everyday and read how your brain interprets what its processing.

I don't check for grammar corrections, or spell checks. If the software doesn't let me know. Just read through it 🤷‍♂️.

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